12-Week Premium & Profit Forecast Calculator

Forecast Calculator


Week Leads Lead Cost Conversion Rate Customers Premium Premium Growth Commissions PPL
12-Week Premium & Profit Forecast Calculator

12-Week Premium & Profit Forecast Calculator


  • Lead Price ($): Cost per lead.
  • Leads per Day: Average daily leads.
  • Average Premium ($): Revenue per customer.
  • Commission Rate (%): Your commission percentage.
  • Conversion Rate (%): Initial lead-to-customer rate.
  • Calculate: Click to see your results!

Why You’ll Love This Tool:

  • Crystal Clear Forecasting: Get a clear picture of your weekly sales and profit growth.
  • Motivational Insights: See how small improvements in conversion rates can significantly boost your earnings.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Play around with different scenarios to find the optimal strategy for your business.
  • Stay on Target: Use the insights to stay focused and adjust your efforts to meet and exceed your goals.

Pro Tips for Maximum Success:

  • Review and Adjust Weekly: Keep tweaking your inputs based on real-time data to stay ahead.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Notice the incremental improvements and celebrate every milestone.
  • Stay Consistent: Consistency is key – keep generating leads and refining your approach.
  • Leverage the Insights: Use the data to make informed decisions about where to invest more for better returns.


Week Leads Lead Cost Conversion Rate Customers Premium Premium Growth Commissions PPL