Yesterday and Today's Production Reports

Sales Stage Download

Opportunity Stage Descriptions


-This will be your default stage when new leads are delivered into Infusionsoft.
-Only real-time purchased leads will be sent an email intro, SMS, and phone call.
-Business Hours: Email, SMS and phone call are immediately
-If outside Business Hours: SMS is sent immediately notifying the consumer that the office is closed.
-Phone call will be made once business hours are open

Subject: Your quote is almost ready…

I hope you’re having a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~.

My name is ~Owner.FirstName~ ~Owner.LastName~ with ~Owner.Company~.

I’m contacting you in regard to your recent Auto quote request. If you have just a few minutes now for me, we can provide you with a firm price.


Thank you for the opportunity to help with your insurance needs. Let me know if you have any questions.

(Owner Signature)

Business Hours

Hey ~Contact.FirstName~. Your preliminary quote is being put together for your ~Contact._Vehicleyear~ ~Contact._Make1~. May I ask what your current company is charging you to make sure I can save you money? – ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~

Off Hours

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, this is ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~. Our office is closed right now and when we get in, we’ll work on your quote for your ~Contact._Vehicleyear~ ~Contact._Make1~. May I ask what your current company is charging you to make sure I can save you money? – ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~.

Subject: Your quote is almost ready…

I hope you’re having a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~.

My name is ~Owner.FirstName~ ~Owner.LastName~ with ~Owner.Company~.

I’m contacting you in regard to your recent homeowners’ quote request. I want to help you receive the best coverage at an attractive cost. I’ll be contacting you shortly but in the meantime:

Would you like us to include quotes for any vehicles for additional discounts?

[Yes]  [No]

Thank you for the opportunity to help with your insurance needs. Let me know if you have any questions.

(Owner Signature)

Business Hours 

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, this is ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~.  We’re working on a quote for your home at ~Contact.StreetAddress1~.  What are you being charged for your home and auto insurance currently?  To be convenient for you, should I call, text, or email the quote to you?

Off Hours

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~, this is ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~. Our office is closed right now and when we get in, we’ll work on a quote for your home at ~Contact.StreetAddress1~.  What are you being charged for your home and auto insurance currently?  To be convenient for you, should I call, text, or email the quote to you?

PENDING CONTACT - AUTO (Starting next business day)

-This stage is used for when you do NOT have enough information to quote and you need to have a conversation with them.
-5 emails will be sent over 20 – 30 days. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.
-4 text messages will be sent over 20 – 30 days. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.

Day 2

Subject: Insurance quote – next steps 

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Following up in regards to sending your insurance quote. Are you able to carve out 15 minutes today or tomorrow to review your insurance needs and questions?

Feel free to reply, call me directly, or click here for a call as soon as possible.

All the best,
(owner signature)

Day 4

Subject: Your quote is almost ready…

Good Morning ~Contact.FirstName~,

I hope all is well. Is today a better day to get connected in regards to reviewing options for your insurance?

Let me know the best way to contact you with the next steps and questions to help me learn more about your needs.

[Text Message] [Phone Call] [Email]

I’m here to help! All the best,
(owner signature)

Day 7

Subject: Preferred communication for an insurance quote

Good Morning ~Contact.FirstName~,

I thought I’d check in again. We only need to take 3 – 5 minutes to answer some questions in order to send you accurate quote options.

What’s the best way to contact you?

[Text Message] [Phone Call] [Email]

Have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~!
(owner signature)

Day 9

Subject: Checking in…

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I wanted to follow up to see if you are still interested in getting insurance quotes from Keystone Insurance Brokers.  When is a good time for me to give you a call?

Please feel free to reply if there are any specific quick questions you may have. I’m here to help.

Have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~! 

(owner signature)

Day 14

Subject: quick question…

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I hope you’re having a good ~Date.DayOfWeek~. Checking in again in regards to helping you with the best insurance coverage at an attractive cost. Is today a good day to take a look at options that will keep more money in your pocket?

What’s the best way to contact you?

[Text Message] [Phone Call] [Email]

I look forward to helping you with all your insurance needs.

(owner signature)

*Wait 10 Days then send to X-date campaign
Day 2 

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~. This is ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~. Is this a better time to connect and review your insurance?

Day 3

Hey. It’s ~Owner.FirstName~ again with ~Owner.Company~. Is this a better time to find you the best insurance rate?

Day 5

Hey ~Contact.FirstName~. I wanted to check in again to see if this is a better time to review savings options for your insurance. Are you still interested in us sending you quotes?

Day 11

Is today a better day for us to discuss your ~lead_type~  insurance rates? The next steps are to answer a few more questions and we’ll send you a competitive quote.

PENDING CONTACT - HOME (Starting next business day)

-This stage is used for when you do NOT have enough information to quote and you need to have a conversation with them. 4 text messages will be sent over 20 – 30 days. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.

Day 2 

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~. This is ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~. Is this a better time to connect and review your insurance?

Day 3

Hey. It’s ~Owner.FirstName~ again with ~Owner.Company~. Is this a better time to find you the best insurance rate?

Day 5

Hey ~Contact.FirstName~. I wanted to check in again to see if this is a better time to review savings options for your insurance. Are you still interested in us sending you quotes?

Day 11

Is today a better day for us to discuss your ~lead_type~  insurance rates? The next steps are to answer a few more questions and we’ll send you a competitive quote.


-If you are able to provide a quote to consumers, this is your most productive automation campaign.
-5 emails will be sent over 20 – 30 days with your “Quote Details” populated in emails. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.
-4 text messages will be sent over 20 – 30 days with your “Quote Details” populated in the texts. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.

Day 1

Subject: Insurance Quote follow up

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Following up in regards to sending you an email with your full quote details. Here’s your quote summary:


What are your thoughts? Any questions I can help with?

[Let’s move forward]   [I have questions]

All the best,
(owner signature)

Day 2

Subject: RE: Quote follow up

Good Afternoon ~Contact.FirstName~,

Checking in with you to see if you have any questions about your quote. Is there anything you’d like to change?


[Let’s move forward]   [I have questions]

(owner signature)

Day 4

Subject: Still reviewing your quotes?

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~

Is this a better time to discuss your quote?


I’m here when you need me.

(owner signature)

Day 6

Subject: Please read

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I wanted to follow up to see if reviewing your insurance is still on your radar. Are you still considering new insurance options?

[I have questions]

Please reply if there are any specific questions you may have. I’m here to help

(owner signature)

Day 12

Subject: quick question…

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I haven’t heard from you in a while and wanted to see if ~Owner.Company~ and shopping for insurance are still on your radar. I know you’re busy, so I don’t want to take up too much of your time. We only need about 10 minutes to finalize your quote. As a refresher, here’s a summary:


The next step is to jump on a quick call to make sure you’re comfortable. Please let me know a good time to connect.

(owner signature)

*Wait 10 Days then send to X-date campaign
Day 1

Part 1: Hey ~Contact.FirstName~. ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Part 2: Are there any other drivers you’d like to include? If so, please provide their name and date of birth.

Day 2

I wanted to make sure you received the quote I emailed: ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Let me know if you’re ready to move forward or if you have any questions. Thanks, ~Owner.FirstName~

Day 4

I hope you’re having a good day. Thought I would try to catch you at lunch to review the quote we sent you. Are you happy with your quote? ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Day 6

I hope you’re having a good day. Thought I would try to catch you at lunch to review the quote we sent you. Are you happy with your quote? ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Day 12

Are you still interested in saving money on your car and/or home insurance? I still have your quote.  ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Are you available to chat?

Day 17
Send to X-dated Campaign


-If you are able to provide a quote to consumers, this is your most productive automation campaign.
-5 emails will be sent over 20 – 30 days with your “Quote Details” populated in emails. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.
-4 text messages will be sent over 20 – 30 days with your “Quote Details” populated in the texts. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.

Day 1

Subject: Insurance Quote follow up

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Following up in regards to sending you an email with your full quote details. Here’s your quote summary:


What are your thoughts? Any questions I can help with?

[Let’s move forward]   [I have questions]

All the best,
(owner signature)

Day 2

Subject: RE: Quote follow up

Good Afternoon ~Contact.FirstName~,

Checking in with you to see if you have any questions about your quote. Is there anything you’d like to change?


[Let’s move forward]   [I have questions]

(owner signature)

Day 4

Subject: Still reviewing your quotes?

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~

Is this a better time to discuss your quote?


I’m here when you need me.

(owner signature)

Day 6

Subject: Please read

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I wanted to follow up to see if reviewing your insurance is still on your radar. Are you still considering new insurance options?

[I have questions]

Please reply if there are any specific questions you may have. I’m here to help

(owner signature)

Day 12

Subject: quick question…

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I haven’t heard from you in a while and wanted to see if ~Owner.Company~ and shopping for insurance are still on your radar. I know you’re busy, so I don’t want to take up too much of your time. We only need about 10 minutes to finalize your quote. As a refresher, here’s a summary:


The next step is to jump on a quick call to make sure you’re comfortable. Please let me know a good time to connect.

(owner signature)

*Wait 10 Days then send to X-date campaign
Day 1

Part 1: Hey ~Contact.FirstName~. ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Part 2: When is a good time to review more details and discounts? –  ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~

Day 2

I wanted to make sure you received the quote I emailed: ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Let me know if you’re ready to move forward or if you have any questions. Thanks, ~Owner.FirstName~

Day 4

I hope your day is going well. I’m still here to help with your quote. ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~ When is a good time to chat via text or on a call?

Day 6

I hope you’re having a good day. Thought I would try to catch you at lunch to review the quote we sent you. Are you happy with your quote? ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Day 12

Are you still interested in saving money on your insurance? I still have your quote here for you. ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Are you available to chat?

Day 17
Send to X-dated Campaign


-If you are able to provide a quote to consumers, this is your most productive automation campaign.
-5 emails will be sent over 20 – 30 days with your “Quote Details” populated in emails. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.
-4 text messages will be sent over 20 – 30 days with your “Quote Details” populated in the texts. If no response, consumer will automatically move to X-dated.

Day 2

Subject: Insurance Quote follow up

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Following up in regards to sending you an email with your full quote details. Here’s your quote summary:


What are your thoughts? Any questions I can help with?

[Let’s move forward]   [I have questions]

All the best,
(owner signature)

Day 3

Subject: RE: Quote follow up

Good Afternoon ~Contact.FirstName~,

Checking in with you to see if you have any questions about your quote. Is there anything you’d like to change?


[Let’s move forward]   [I have questions]
(owner signature)

Day 5

Subject: Still reviewing your quotes?

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~

Is this a better time to discuss your quote?


I’m here when you need me.

(owner signature)

Day 7

Subject: Please read

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I wanted to follow up to see if reviewing your insurance is still on your radar. Are you still considering new insurance options?

[I have questions]

Please reply if there are any specific questions you may have. I’m here to help

(owner signature)

Day 11

Subject: quick question…

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I haven’t heard from you in a while and wanted to see if ~Owner.Company~ and shopping for insurance are still on your radar. I know you’re busy, so I don’t want to take up too much of your time. We only need about 10 minutes to finalize your quote. As a refresher, here’s a summary:


The next step is to jump on a quick call to make sure you’re comfortable. Please let me know a good time to connect.

(owner signature)

*Wait 10 Days then send to X-date campaign
Day 1

(Next day after disposition)

Hi, ~Contact.FirstName~ this is ~Owner.FirstName~ at ~Owner.Company~. This is a friendly reminder of the quote we have for you: ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Do you have any other questions I can help with?

Day 2

I wanted to make sure you received the quote I emailed: ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Let me know if you’re ready to move forward or if you have any questions. Thanks, ~Owner.FirstName~

Day 4

I hope you’re having a good day. Thought I would try to catch you at lunch to review the quote we sent you. Are you happy with your quote? ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Day 6

I hope you’re having a good day. Thought I would try to catch you at lunch to review the quote we sent you. Are you happy with your quote? ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~

Day 12

Are you still interested in saving money on your car and/or home insurance? I still have your quote.  ~Contact._QuoteDetailsPopulatedinEmails~. Are you available to chat?

Day 17
Send to X-dated Campaign


-This is our “SAFETY” stage. NO automation happens and is completely dependent on your follow-up and moving them out of this stage.
-Commonly used if the consumer told you to follow-up a specific time or you are getting back to them with requested information.
-If your contact is in this stage for 10 days, the owner will receive a task notification to make sure the contact should be moved to another stage or stay.


Facebook Review Link:
Google Review Link: 


Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

Welcome to the ~Company.Company~ family, ~Contact.FirstName~! We appreciate your business and want you to know that we are here for one reason…to help you with all your insurance needs.

We like to keep the communication lines with our customers open so we can provide the best possible service at all times. We value your feedback so please select an option below regarding your buying experience.


If you have any questions, please give us a call at ~Company.Phone1~ or email us at ~Company.Email~.

Again, welcome to the ~Company.Company~ family and let us know if there is anything we can help with!

Have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~,

Landing Pages

Very Happy


Not Happy


Thanks again for the opportunity to help with your insurance. We would love to hear what you think about our service. ? On a scale of 1 – 5 (5 being the highest), where would you rate our service?

5 Rating

We really appreciate your feedback, thank you. ? If you have another 30 seconds, please review us on Google:

4 Rating

Thank you for your feedback. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. We’re here to help.

3 – 1 Rating

We’re sorry to hear about your experience. Please feel free to let us know how we can make this better.


Referral Email based on clicking “Very Happy” button

Good afternoon!

A few days ago you let us know that you had a great experience!

We appreciate your feedback and were curious if you knew anybody else who might enjoy the same experience you did! If you have someone in mind, please respond to this email.

If you don’t want to pass along a referral, not a problem. No hard feelings.

We hope to see you again soon!

Have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~,

1 Month f/u

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

How are you this ~Date.DayOfWeek~ morning?

I just wanted to send a quick note to make sure everything is going well. Any insurance questions I can help with?

We assist our customers with the best insurance for:

  • Homeowners & Renters
  • Auto
  • Commercial
  • Life

Let us know how we can help you plan for the future. Thanks.


-When a consumer isn’t a fit, moving them to X-dated will put them in a future follow-up campaign
-If auto/home expiration date is present, email and SMS follow-up will start 31 days before.
-You will also receive an email notification once this process starts (this notification can be turned off if preferred).


Hello ~Contact.FirstName~! I’m ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~ and I wanted to thank you for requesting an auto quote a while ago. Would you like me to try to help you save money today? ??

Email 1

If manually moved to x-dated, email campaign will start 30 days before Auto Expiration date
If automatically moved to x-dated from the pipeline, email campaign will start in 5 months.

Subject: Quote comparison before renewal

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,
I hope all is well. Just checking in to remind you about your auto policy is up for renewal soon. Would you like me to send you up-to-date quote options?

[Send Quote]

Let me know if you have any questions and have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~.

All the best,

Task 1

Task is sent to the owner 5 minutes after the prior email.

Wait 10 days – SMS 2

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~! I’m ~Owner.FirstName~ with ~Owner.Company~ again! ? Are you interested in comparing your insurance today to save money?

Email 2

Subject: Friendly follow-up

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,
I wanted to check in with you about your auto policy renewal soon. We can send you a quick quote today if you’d like.

[Send Quote]

Let me know if you have any questions and have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~.

All the best,

Wait 8 days – Email 3

Subject: Friendly follow-up

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,
I thought I’d share this article with you while you’re renewing your auto insurance policy.
How to save money on car insurance in 8 simple steps
If you haven’t already renewed your policies, I’d love to help!

[Send Auto Quote]

Let me know if you have any questions.

Task 2

Task is sent to the owner after the 3rd email.

Campaign has ended and will recycle in 5 months.
Email 1

If manual moved to x-dated, the email campaign will start 30 days before Auto Expiration date

If automatically moved to x-dated from the pipeline, the email campaign will start in 11 months.

Subject: Homeowners Renewal Quote

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I hope all is well. Just checking in to remind you about your homeowner’s policy is up for renewal soon. Would you like me to send you up-to-date quote options?

[Send Quote] 

Let me know if you have any questions and have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~.

All the best,

Task 1

The task is sent to the owner 5 minutes after the prior email.

Wait 10 days – Email 2

Subject: Friendly follow-up

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

I wanted to check in with you about your homeowners’ policy renewing soon. We can send you a quick quote today if you’d like.

[Send Quote] 

Let me know if you have any questions and have a great ~Date.DayOfWeek~.

All the best,

Task 2

The task is sent to the owner after the 3rd email.

The campaign has ended and will recycle in 5 months


This is a lead that should be returned for credit to the lead provider.